Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, jśnķ 2008

Der Fuehrer's Face


Haha fann žetta fyrst innį Banned Cartoons į og fann žaš innį youtube til aš sżna ykkur.

ef žiš sjįiš žaš ekki žį er linkurinn hérna

Ég fann comment innį sķšu um žetta myndband var į:


great propaganda cartoon... funny 2

in fact, I see many resemblances with the US, from that cartoon

they just changed the "Hail Hitler" for "Freedom is not Free"
and they are still the biggest weapon/war manufacturers in the world

there is no freedom of speech, even if they say there is
and the media is telling the sheep what to think and how to behave

and they are at war with the middle east

at least germans where fighting like real man, not like the US cowards, who attacked a small, defenseless country for no reason

I got a lot more respect for the Nazis as a matter of fact

at least they where honest about what they wanted to accomplish, not full of shit like the USA

og svo var commentaš til baka:



No freedom of speach? What do you call what you are doing right now? Expressing your views on the US Government, thus free speach.

And the German's were fighting like real men? How much do you really know about WW2? Does Holocaust ring a bell? Oh you're right, I forgot. Basically lining up 6 million defenseless people and killing them in cold blood is fighting like real men. Now I really want to be a man.

I'm not saying USA doesn't have its flaws. It does, it can be really fucked up. But to say that Nazi Germany resembles current US? Your statment is absolutly flawed.


ég verš aš seigja aš ég lķt ömurlega į bęši commentin žetta eru bįšir gaurar sem halda bara meš heima lišinu og kjafta bara eitthvaš til aš verja landiš sitt.

 t.d. comment 1: "at least germans where fighting like real man"... Ķ comment 2 śtskżrir hann hvaš žetta er ofbošslega rangt hjį greyinu og ég žoli ekki fólk sem hefur ekki kannaš sig mįliš įšur en žaš byrjar aš gera mįl śr žvķ

Comment 2: "No freedom of speach? What do you call what you are doing right now? Expressing your views on the US Government, thus free speach."... Žetta er Internetiš vinur, Bandarķkjin eiga ekki netiš

En žeir koma meš doldiš góš point

t.d. comment 1: "in fact, I see many resemblances with the US, from that cartoon. they just changed the "Hail Hitler" for "Freedom is not Free" and they are still the biggest weapon/war manufacturers in the world" - Jį, žetta er svo fucked up viš bandarķkjin "land of the Free", "land of oppertunities" my butt-ex.

"and they are at war with the middle east" - Žaš er mjög asnalegt af žeim aš vera ķ strķši viš žau, "we need oil, they dont want to give it to us, lets take it" hugi Bush.

Comment 2: "And the German's were fighting like real men? How much do you really know about WW2? Does Holocaust ring a bell? Oh you're right, I forgot. Basically lining up 6 million defenseless people and killing them in cold blood is fighting like real men. Now I really want to be a man." - Žetta mį kalla Face, en hann gleymir naušgunum ķ fangelsinu Abu Ghraib ķ Ķrak hér er linkur į youtube į myndband um Abu Ghraib žś veršur aš vera 18+ og hafa account į youtube til aš horfa. Aušvitaš er žetta ekki jafn slęmt og Holocostiš var en strķšiš ķ Ķrak er samt miklu minna en heimstyrjiöldin var.

jęja nś ętla ég aš hętta aš blogga og fara aš horfa į Kįra ķ Empire Earth.

bę bę.


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